Fires are among the greatest threats to any structure, be it a house, office, or industrial building. They can cause devastating property damage, injuries, and even fatalities. Various materials and coatings, including fire retardant paint and thermal barrier coatings, have been developed to prevent the spread of fires and preserve the integrity of buildings. In this blog post, we will discuss IFTI, the leading manufacturer of fire retardant paint and thermal barrier coatings.

IFTI specializes in manufacturing and providing innovative fireproofing and thermal barrier solutions. One of IFTI’s most significant achievements is creating its product, DC315. DC315 is a one-part intumescent coating that provides a thermal and ignition barrier and fire-resistance wood, fibreglass, and spray foam insulation. It is certified by UL (Underwriters Laboratories) and has been tested by various third-party laboratories to ensure its efficacy in preventing the spread of fires. Read about DC315 on Polysource Industries.

Another product that IFTI offers is its thermal barrier coatings. Thermal barrier coatings are a form of fire retardant paint designed to insulate building materials, mainly spray foam insulation, from the heat generated by fires. By preventing the insulation from subliming or melting, thermal barrier coatings can delay the onset of flashover or the point at which a fire becomes uncontrollable.

Aside from DC315 and their thermal barrier coatings, IFTI offers a range of complementary fireproofing products, including DC68 for Fabric, DC360 for wood & gypsum, DC310 and DC6150 for Cables DC7120 for structural steel. These products are intended to stop the spread of fires through gaps and penetrations in fabrics, cables and more.

Fires can strike at any time, and it is crucial to have suitable materials and coatings in place to prevent their spread and minimize damage. IFTI has been at the forefront of developing innovative fireproofing and thermal barrier solutions that have been tested and proven effective. Suppose you’re looking for fire retardant paint or thermal barrier coatings. In that case, IFTI is the leading manufacturer that can provide the solutions you need to protect your property and your loved ones. Contact IFTI today and learn more about their products and services. essential, and DC315 can ensure that for you.